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Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:50 am
by Destinie
Do you have a shrine that you made a while ago that you're embarrassed of now? Maybe you don't like the character/series anymore or maybe the shrine doesn't reflect your current opinions? Did you delete the shrine or decide to keep it up? If other people really liked it but you didn't, does that affect whether or not you take it down?

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:27 am
by nyxmidnight
Hahaha I still get embarrassed sometimes that I actually made and published a shrine to Mara XD I think it needs a better layout...

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:00 am
by Robin
I had a pretty extensive Yu-Gi-Oh! shrine back in the day, which I took down in 2008 when I was trying to make my domain into a graduate portfolio thing...LOL. I've often thought about putting the shrine back up in archived mode (since I still have all the content and everything, and most of the visitors really liked it). But what embarrasses me the most about it is how YOUNG my writing was. (And cuss-word-laden, lol). I would have to do serious edits to bring the content up to my current standards :P Not to mention that I have no interest whatsoever in YGO GX or 5D's... LOL

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:30 pm
by Crystal
I have a few that I closed down but currently online are Ike, Shiki, and Data. All of them are in desperate need of an overhaul and I have no ambition for it right now. D: There's also Rukia too but she's not in as bad of shape as the rest.

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:35 pm
by Eimii
i'd have to say Tira and Xianghua. i still like the characters but im very behind on and not that interested in the soul calibur series anymore. i guess im just embarrassed cause they are in a dire need of a revamp. Also Jessica from DQ8, that thing is skin and bones. I love her though so i should really make sure i focus on her in the near future.

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:46 pm
by Larissa
Good god, my Dissidia site falls under this. I've kept it up because it's gotten the most feedback out of all of my sites, but I can't look at it without wincing. I need to add a note on there that says it's archived but I don't even want to touch it...

Kefka falls under this, too. I don't think I've worked on its content since... 2009? 2010? It's been 4 or 5 years and I'm not happy with any of the content. I've kept it online since it has a fanlisting, but I need to gut all the content and start from scratch.

I recently closed my Diego/Mia site for this reason as well; I wasn't happy with the content anymore and no longer had any interest in the subject.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:29 pm
by Michelle
My LukexTear site... the layout is terrible, the graphics are terrible, I feel super weird writing about fictional characters being in love, and the writing is... passable. I wanna clean it up at some point because I love Luke and Tear, but man it's such a mess visually I don't even know where to start.

I closed my old Talim from Soul Calibur site down because it was embarrassing and outdated. I had the stupidest sections on it lol. Like ~which celebrities have the same birthday as Talim~ stupid. And so many "^_^"s. Good lord I was such a dork as a teenager.

On that note I have some embarrassing parts on my shrines that are in good shape that I should get around to deleting...

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:33 pm
by Kibumie
Destinie wrote:Do you have a shrine that you made a while ago that you're embarrassed of now? Maybe you don't like the character/series anymore or maybe the shrine doesn't reflect your current opinions? Did you delete the shrine or decide to keep it up? If other people really liked it but you didn't, does that affect whether or not you take it down?
Hahaha this question is just right through the heart! I have a ton of embarrassing shrines. Honestly, almost all my shrines are embarrassing. I mean written wise they are. I'm not good at writing but I do feel like I have improved in some ways. (because all I do in school is write essays and it sucks) My first shrine that I published online was Red Warrior. I deleted Red Warrior before and some of my other early shrines. But this year I figured I should just put them up online even though most of them have bad writing. I spent a lot of time in them, and just deleting them online seemed like a waste. I also deleted a Tomite shrine from FYGK series. I couldn't find it anymore on my files so that's one of my shrines I could put back up. My Yano Motoharu fanlisting also had a shrine before, but I also put that down.

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:56 am
by Todd
I used to have a shrine called Pawn, dedicated to Steiner from Final Fantasy IX. It was small and awful. I wanted to revamp it, but I hadn't played the game in so long and didn't until recently get my hands on the game again. I might eventually bring it back, though I find myself liking other FFIX characters these days.

Re: Embarrassing shrines?

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:12 pm
by Cherri
Yeah, like everything I made in the past. But I brought back my Final Fantasy VII general site but it's better now. Just need to do that for Star Ocean 2. And I wouldn't actually say I'm embarrassed with them, just not proud. I have a few currently online that I'm like that with. Caterpillar and Templar (they need revamps but I'm not inspired to do so).