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Sites and Memories

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:39 pm
by Mikari
After looking through the layout archives of a few of you, most recently Crystal's, I sometimes went "I remember that." To make a long story short, the point is that I got to thinking about sites and memories. I recently updated Fantasy Bit's layout and took a break after. Looking at it a few days later it reminds me of Phantom of the Opera, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with it. The reason is because I was listening to my computer read the novel to me as I made the layout.

Similarly other sites sometimes remind me of things that happened during their making or when I first visited them, even if those things are completely unrelated to the subject. Surreptitious reminds me of Dragon Ball Z because I was listening to a fanfic during its revamp. Several creature feature sites remind me of Pokemon, because of my Charizard site. Snow's site reminding me of Pokemon makes sense, but Cherri's?

Does this happen to anyone else, or am I just odd? (or both?)

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:08 am
by SnowRayjah
You're crazy that's why! :D I actually do this with songs. If I listen to a song while writing or making a shrine, that song becomes attached to the subject or character.

In all seriousness though, with Cherri and Mikari I always find something that reminds me of something else. In some places, because you guys make the references yourself. In others because there's just one little thing you say that reminds me of something else.

I do this too. In fact, my entire Vincent shrine is also a reference to an actor and his roles in movies as they fit in with Vincent. That's just the way I write. Everything is connected for me.

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:10 pm
by Crystal
I know sometimes when I'm making a layout I'll be listening to a song and then decide to use the lyrics in the layout. Other times I'll also use quotes used by the character I feature. As far your question I can't really think of anything reminding me of other things. It's not something I've really noticed.

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:19 am
by Robin
@Mikari I do something similar--I often design layouts while listening to music, and most of the time (if not always), the mood of the music will seep into the design. I actually wrote an article about this design process and what it usually results in. I may not use exact lyrics or even reference the song at all, but the style and colors of the layout will generally reflect the musical atmosphere of the song I'm listening to. (Version 8 of, for instance, was created while listening to May It Be by Enya on repeat; the song seemed to demand soft gradients, deep green, and an overall tranquil feeling.)

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:54 pm
by dubiousdisc
Haha, no, it makes perfect sense! I get that all the time XD That's how memory works!

When I was reading through Karen's Cyan Garamonde site, Stalwart, I was listening to Falling Snow by Agalloch and now whenever I listen to that song I think of that site and that character.

Looking at the current layouts of Oddball and At The Gates Of Death makes me think about the friends of mine I was staying with at the time and their house with the view on the mountains and of orange and cinnamon tea and of my friends sitting on the couch and talking with them as I cleaned up the gifs that I used in Orbb's page.

And looking at Lithovore's current layout reminds me of the family house of a friend and the kitchen with the view on the vines and plants covering the balcony and my friend's mom bringing me an entire mug of coffee (I'm talking about six shots of espresso!!) with biscuits while I'd be working on this layout. And my friend would be sitting at my left and painting and sometimes we'd turn the screens and share what we were making.

Dang, now I really miss my friends, haha.

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:46 am
by Destinie
I don't think I associate with songs (since when I write I can't really listen to music with lyrics because it will throw me off) but I do associate with times of year and events. Whenever I look at my shrine to Tenebrae I think of my colonoscopy (fun haha) but I had finished the site the day before I had to go in for my procedure. Then when I think of my Cooro site, I think that I worked on that a lot one summer so I always picture me sitting at my desk in my old apartment on a Sunday afternoon with the light coming in at that one angle it usually did, where the room was just barely lit by the late afternoon sun. Kind of quiet and relaxing. And Paladin and Asunder always remind me of my last year of college because that summer I had a lot of time to put into sites while I was finishing up my campus job. Ahhh memories...

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:13 pm
by dubiousdisc
Awww on Tenebrae ;_;

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:28 pm
by Destinie
Aww haha thanks ;A; I would like to work on that site some more but I don't have time. It did make me want to play the game again just to see the character ;>

Also I have this memory of when I tried to share my Giovanni shrine on a Pokemon fandom livejournal and I had someone who wanted to challenge my opinions on it and basically say that my opinions were wrong. (??) But then I also have a really happy memory of working really hard on it and finishing it on my birthday one year, then I won my first award at Amassment and I nearly cried! It was so great and I felt really nice. ;u;

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:39 pm
by dubiousdisc
Destinie wrote: Also I have this memory of when I tried to share my Giovanni shrine on a Pokemon fandom livejournal and I had someone who wanted to challenge my opinions on it and basically say that my opinions were wrong. (??)
That person was obviously an undercover member of Team Rocket trying to disguise their plans :P

Re: Sites and Memories

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:11 am
by Mikari
I remember when Giovanni won! It was around the time Layla won, I was so happy hyper about it all. XD