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Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:26 pm
by Todd
Back in the day, I used to make holiday-themed layouts for my collective and sites. That was when my collective had a new layout every couple of months. I felt like two months with a layout was so long. These days, I can go a year without changing my collective layout, and some of my shrines never get layout changes.

Do you have any plans for your sites for the holiday? Doing anything to theme them for the holidays, or plan to work on any with any extra time you may have during Winter break? Discuss your plans here!

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:52 pm
by Mikari
I don't have a winter break anymore, it's the busy vacation season so I actually have more workdays. I do have something in mind for my collective. A simple layout change for the month of December, but I haven't started on it yet, so it's hard to say for sure that it'll happen.

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:18 pm
by Robin
I'd like to maybe do something temporary for my main domain and network, like one of those nifty corner images that I can quickly put up and take down. I don't want to make a whole big holiday layout because then, inevitably, my sites will be the equivalent of the redneck trailer with icicle lights still tacked up in June. LOLOLOL

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:56 pm
by dubiousdisc
Even back in the day I found it hard to do seasonal layouts because then I felt obligated to change it at the end of the season, and what if I grew fond of it...I also used to change layouts once every two-three months, but nowadays, the hell I'm doing that; my main collective has had the same layout for two years now and, until I can make something that I like better than the current design, it's gonna stay. Time now feels completely different from how it felt five years ago; I used to think two months were an infinity, and now boom, where did they go. D:

I do have plans to work on sites during the holidays, though. I don't know if I am actually going to follow through with them because Denise is stressed out of her mind and what we're gonna do during the holidays depends on her, not me, and she might want to do other things instead.

On my list of things I'd like to do, I'd want to completely revamp the Anarki site (I love him so much as a character, but the site really isn't up to what it could be).
Denise and I are also planning a joint Records of Agarest War general fansite. We're not done with the game yet, though. We might want to start jotting down thoughts before the points we wanted to make with each article fart out of our heads, but on the other hand it might be a bit premature...We'll see what we can do, but we're eager to work on this, even though we're probably embarking on an endless journey, heh.

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:31 pm
by Robin
dubiousdisc wrote:...I also used to change layouts once every two-three months, but nowadays, the hell I'm doing that; my main collective has had the same layout for two years now and, until I can make something that I like better than the current design, it's gonna stay. Time now feels completely different from how it felt five years ago; I used to think two months were an infinity, and now boom, where did they go. D:
Did you mean: my exact thinking on layout changes? And time passing?

Seriously, I'm lucky if I can get up the oomph to change domain layouts once a year. Ain't nobody got time fo dat!

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:01 pm
by Camy
Oh man I used to make winter related layouts for my Sesshoumaru shrine. I miss doing that xD

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:00 am
by Emma
I'd like to give my domain a festive layout, but I'm probably not going to. Especially because I'd have to change it again in January. Like Robin said, ain't nobody got time for that. I'd rather actually work on some sites over my winter break, if I get a chance. I feel like I still have so much to do over my break, plus obviously there's the general business of the holidays. But I really want to make one site for the Blast from the Past challenge! So I'd like to start it over Christmas and finish in January (when I actually have a little break between deadlines and new projects, like my schedule is actually empty and I feel like someone is playing a trick on me) I'm just not sure about the subject yet, because I'm definitely going to change from my current one.

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:57 am
by Mikari
I decided to make a postcard and set that up on my main page here. That way I won't end up with an out of season layout, since I would just have to remove that page and that'll be fast enough. It has screen shots of Kaito from the Christmas song on Project Diva.

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:21 am
by Saya
Nah, I don't have plans, that little time I take off my gaming, I will concentrate on making my AC Series shrine, aside I love to much the layout I made back then for Silverblood LOL XD

Re: Holiday Site Plans

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:20 pm
by Robin
Mikari wrote:I decided to make a postcard and set that up on my main page here. That way I won't end up with an out of season layout, since I would just have to remove that page and that'll be fast enough. It has screen shots of Kaito from the Christmas song on Project Diva.
COOL! Very neat idea (and festive!) I like that you incorporated a lot of frosty blue elements--I get so tired of seeing red and green everywhere during the holidays, LOLOL