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The Evil Within

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:31 am
by nyxmidnight
Anyone played/planning to play/watched/planning to watch this game? I watched the playthrough by Markiplier and I really enjoyed it. I am now waiting on a completionist run by another LPer to see all the collectibles and secrets.

It's a horror game, so I know it's not super popular here, and it's not the best written game out there, but the game has some serious eye candy serving as characters and it's well worth the watch, especially if you love your men bruised and dirty. I've already written a fic and I hope to write more!

Re: The Evil Within

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:19 pm
by dubiousdisc
Heh, I'd be the one to ask about horror games here, but I haven't played that yet (huge game backlog, I shake my fist at thee). I have at least heard of it though. Other than the things you mentioned, what else is notable about it? I had heard elsewhere too about the "men" part and the "not the best written" part, which left me pretty unimpressed (although the "bruised and dirty" part sounds quite great to me), so is there something else that nobody is talking about but that could sell this to me?

Re: The Evil Within

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:10 am
by nyxmidnight
Well, the cast is diverse: the main character Sebastian Castellanos is of Latino origin and his partner Joseph Oda is Canado-Japanese, Leslie Withers is mentally disabled and treated like a real person, the albino person is not the villain, the suicidal one is not told to man up, the female antagonist actually has practical clothes on (despite unpractical shoes) and a personality more complex that "evil woman". I'm not saying this is a perfect post-racist post-feminist game, but I think the cast is a step above White Stoic Men Burning with Generic Rage.

The environments are gorgeous in their horribleness and there are some genuinely unsettling moments as well, but mostly it's the cast that appealed to me. Especially the character with suicidal thoughts. He described perfectly how I feel some days and I really related to his speech about it.

I might be biased.

Re: The Evil Within

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:27 pm
by dubiousdisc
Hmm! Okay, now this sounds more like something I'd like. I'll put this in the to play list. So with some luck, I will be playing it three years from now, heh.