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New Windows

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:47 pm
by Todd
Hey guys,

I don't need help or anything; I'm just curious what you guys' preferences are.
  • When you link your own sites or a Contact page, do you use target="_blank"?
  • When you link other people's sites, do you use target="_blank"?
  • As a visitor, do you like when links open in a new window or tab, or would you prefer to do it yourself with ctrl + click?

Re: New Windows

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:06 pm
by Loki
I would use this if I wasn't forgetting everytime I link someone ;p That reminds me that I should do it! I prefer when windows to a next site open in a new window, it's more convenient for me.

Re: New Windows

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:11 pm
by dragoneyes
Yes to all of them. Blessed by the "_blank" target!

Re: New Windows

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:09 pm
by Larissa
Can't stand it. If I want something in a new tab I do it manually. I never, ever want sites to open pages in a new window -- I typically only use one window while browsing and just have a lot of tabs open.

As a result I never code it into my own sites. IMO the only suitable time to use it is with a frames layout, in which it's actually necessary, but it's not the 90s anymore so that rarely comes up. Otherwise leave it up to the user to decide how they want to browse.

(This is one of my biggest pet peeves, lmao. I just can't stand when sites do it!!)

Re: New Windows

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:22 pm
by Robin
1: I use target="_blank" for my own sites only if I'm linking to a completely different site of mine (such as a contact page, another shrine/fansite, etc.).

2: I always use target="_blank" for other people's sites, so that visitors aren't confused as to whose site they're viewing.

In both cases, however, I warn the user about it beforehand (as in, "*url clicky text here* (will open in new window").

3: I like to see target="_blank"-ed links. My reasoning? I hate having to backtrack through all the places I've been through to try to find the ONE site I wanted to go back to. Plus, I love to explore other sites that are referenced in site content, I also hate being distracted from the original site before I'm actually ready to move on. (And my happy ADHD self is probably going to be hella distracted anyway, LOL) So in that light, keeping the original site viewable while also giving me an option to move on to other content later is valuable for me.

(Also, when I click a target="_blank"-ed link on a browser these days, I've found it opens in a new TAB--I don't actually know how to make a link open in a new browser WINDOW anymore. I just realized that :O )

Re: New Windows

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:19 am
by Emma
Yeah, my browser opens windows in a new tab. I couldn't deal if it opened new windows - it'd drive me up the wall. I don't code in target="_blank" anymore at all, although it's probably still present in older code and here and there. I'm with Larissa on this - I'll just let people browse how they want to browse.

By habit I tend to hold down cmd when I click a link anyway, so that it opens in a new tab.

Re: New Windows

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:52 am
by Saya
I normally use that ONLY when linking things out of my page, links to other pages. I do when surfing always open in new tab if i'm not checking a shrine, I'm a tab crazy person when it comes.

Re: New Windows

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:28 pm
by Mikari
I always use _blank for any links that leads to a different site than the one you're at, even if the other site is my own site listed in a collective page, etc. I usually click to have it open in a new tab myself and don't really notice in _blank is in use, but if I was going to choose, I prefer that it is used to leave the current site in case I'm viewing it on the ipod or in the detached laptop touch screen and don't feel like holding my finger over the link for a second. I like to close tabs myself. I only use one window too and keep all the tabs there.

Re: New Windows

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:20 am
by Camy
Never used it. Ever since the IE days (I know, awffffullll but dad didn't trust Firefox when it came out with tabs), I had like twenty or so windows grouped up. When I finally had access to install browsers later on, thanks to the beauty of growing up, I downloaded Firefox as quick as I could and tabs were so incredible. I have the new windows set to open new tabs since LOL I don't want to feel how it was back then when a new one pops up. Usually that means a sneaky ad now. Of course, that means that I get so many tabs matched with the other many tabs I have since I multitask like crazy [and distracted].

It should be up to the user first and foremost of how they navigate around. It may seem convenient, but to some it won't be. That's why I've never used it. Of course, it makes sense to put it for a outgoing link but I'm sure they know that's it's not part of your site xD

Re: New Windows

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:14 pm
by dubiousdisc
I use _blank for outgoing links always, and for other sites of mine only when the link in question is pretty much an outgoing link anyway. If it's like, this is my media gallery, if you want to contribute send things here, that would not be a _blank by default to avoid interrupting the flow. I hope I'm making any sense?

As a visitor I don't give a shit, I middle-click things open in other tabs anyway most of the time. I guess I do it so often that I never end up being surprised by things being _blank when I didn't want them to.