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Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:55 am
by Laura
Well, it's finally done! *-* My shrine to Sohma Kyo from Fruits Basket, Baroque Orange, has been redesigned completely, with a new layout and new content. I hope you all enjoy it!!

There's a couple pages I planned on having in addition to the current stuff there, but holy... It took me over a month to make this and I'm really burned out. I figured it would be alright to take some more minor things and put them on the back-burner for now; at least it'll mean future updates. ;) The layout is similar to my Uranus/Neptune shrine, mostly because of the navigation bar... but I think it turned out nicely. The next layout I'm working on (for my Rin shrine) is quite a bit different. :3

Anyway, this update was long overdue (12 years overdue, actually... x____x) and I'm really happy to get it out there. ^_^

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:52 pm
by Mikari
Congratulations on the redesign, it looks great!

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:57 pm
by Sarah
Laura, I just wanted to let you know that the layout image is not showing up. (The background image and content show up just fine, though.) But knowing you, I can imagine how awesome it looks. ;) I recently visited the site so I can see just how much new information there is, and it's super impressive. I've only glanced through it so far, but I definitely plan on giving it a good read soon.

Congrats on the revamp! :D

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:59 pm
by Laura
Thanks to both of you! :) I'm glad that you like the site so far!

Sarah, what browser are you currently using? I actually did have that problem myself at first but was able to fix it in Chrome; seems like it's something I'll have to fix for other browsers. Thanks for the heads up!! :D Hopefully I can get it fixed before you settle in for the long read. XD

EDIT: I think I might have fixed it, if you could check again and let me know, that'd be awesome. :D

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 5:51 pm
by Sarah
Ah, I was using FireFox. But I've checked again and it works now! That is just gorgeous!! *o* Will be sure and read soon~ :D

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:01 pm
by Laura
Sarah wrote:Ah, I was using FireFox. But I've checked again and it works now! That is just gorgeous!! *o* Will be sure and read soon~ :D
Thanks for getting back to me! I'm not sure WHAT it was... I changed one thing and then it disappeared in Chrome, then reappeared for all browsers... @_@ No idea but I'm just gonna not care because it's working now. haha xD

Thank you for the complement too. :) I'm really glad you like the design!

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:29 pm
by Robin
What a thorough and gorgeous shrine! I like the idea of having navigation in two places (the bar across the top, plus the dropdown-like lists underneath the intro paragraph).

The information is broken up into well-thought-out sections and provides enough introduction to the series even for people like me who have never read the manga. And your love for Sohma Kyo shines through every single page. <3 A triumphant revamp, indeed!

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:11 am
by Laura
Robin wrote:What a thorough and gorgeous shrine! I like the idea of having navigation in two places (the bar across the top, plus the dropdown-like lists underneath the intro paragraph).

The information is broken up into well-thought-out sections and provides enough introduction to the series even for people like me who have never read the manga. And your love for Sohma Kyo shines through every single page. <3 A triumphant revamp, indeed!
Thank you so much!! ^_^ I'm glad I made my love for the character show through!

I like to have the navigation on the intro pages for my sites now so that people can see what exactly is currently on the site overall. Kinda like a site map! :D It's a nice little snap shot of the site's content, and people have a better idea of what's in the top navigation bar without having to mouse-over everything first. :3

I'm glad there was enough information there for you to understand what's happening too! That's been a major goal of mine for these redesigns; I want to make sure that anyone new to the series can understand what I'm rambling on about. Thanks for verifying that it's working. ^_^

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:04 pm
by Lethe
I was totally not half-asleep when I added your shrine to the directory, but idk how else you'd explain me visiting a shrine, seeing a big gap where the layout image is supposed to be, AND NOT COMMENT ON IT LOL. Sorry!!

Wow, yay for finishing the revamp! I visited your Kyo shrine several times over the past months (even before you had resumed activity around Amassment), so I know what a huge change this is. So much praise to you for pulling it off, and for having the courage to go over such an old shrine in the first place... o___o (It's fascinating that this shrine existed before Fruits Basket was completely released.) It really speaks of your love for the character. <3

I really like how you introduced most of the cast with focus on their relation to Kyo. I haven't seen that done before, and I think that's a great way to go about it, especially if you're shrining a long series with many characters, and even more so if those characters are complex! It also emphasizes your shrine's subject from the get-go. ... /takes notes <O><O>

I enjoyed reading what you wrote under "The True Curse", and your explanation for the Cat's true form - especially the link you made between the smell, the locking up and the rejection of eternity.

Your "opinion" sections on the respective pages are lovely, and nicely complement your summaries! (Alsoooo the one on the Yuki page: "While I think Yuki can be unnecessarily mean towards Kyo by going out of his way to insult him, it's understandable considering how much Kyo emphasises his unjustified hatred for him." I love that you pointed this out so much!)

I like that you included a timeline - that's an original way to sum up a character or to make the order of events clearer to visitors who aren't familiar with the material, but enjoy reading your shrine anyway.


Anyway, there are some things I I thought I should point out:
  • There's a random � on "First Meeting" and "New Year".
  • Your latest update on the update page says you're still stuck in March 2004. 8D
  • There's another point that I think was misinterpreted in a translation, so I'll PM you about that!
Again, good job! :D <3 I'm going to ask you to affiliate once Onigiri Box is up. :D

Re: Baroque Orange (Sohma Kyo - Fruits Basket)

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:05 pm
by Laura
Awwwww, Lethe, thank you!! ^-^ Your comments mean a lot to me, especially since you're familiar with what the site used to be. It was a LOT of work to go through it all and try to get all the facts about literally everything over 136 chapters straight. So I'm really, really glad that you enjoyed going through the whole site. I'm also glad I managed to present it all in a unique fashion. :D

I'm planning on going back to the timeline section and adding chapter references for anyone who wants to read more themselves. I kind of regret not including references throughout the site but at least in that section, people can have a better idea of what happens and when it happens. Like a snapshot. :3

Thanks for pointing out some of the mistakes too! I've noticed those weird symbols but I haven't had the chance to go back and fix those pages yet. I also have a bit of text formatting to do and some editing; it's helped to get the site out in the open and take a step back from it for a week or so. I can come back with a fresh mind. xD

And yes, I'd definitely affiliate!! :D In a heartbeat. <3