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Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:32 pm
by Larissa
Defiers of Fate

Gonna break the forum in, haha.

I went ahead and un-hid the upcoming sections on the series page. I have a good dozen ideas for articles for the depth section, but some of them overlap with my Lightning site, which I'm gonna be working on in tandem with this. Once I get a better idea of which articles I'm definitely going to write, I'll put a list up as a preview.

why do i make fansites to long rpgs, i regret everything

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:46 pm
by Robin
As per your usual, you have a TON of content (well, at least content ideas right now). I know what you mean about not being sure which articles you're going to actually run with or not.

Oooooo your depth section! Looking like English major heaven already!

(and I know those long RPG feels. *hands you stress ball*)

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:15 pm
by Laura
Man, I can't get over how much content you're gonna have to write for this! O_O Pretty inspiring though~ I might actually sign up with my Slayers series site once I get going with Sylvanas. XD

Can't wait to read what you post later. :3 I never played much FF after 10 so it's cool to be able to read all about it without having to go play it. XD

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:53 am
by Megan A
Ahhh, I love it already! I love the layout of course, but I also really like that you have all the sections that you're going to work on listed. Gives me something to look forward to! :D

Just by glancing at your FF13 section, I can tell the other two are gonna be just as awesome. It's really nicely organized with a lot of nice images. And so informative! I can't wait to see more! :D

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:37 pm
by Chibi
This is awesome. :D I look forward to the other content, especially the in-depth sections~ (And maybe I can finally understand XIII-2's and Lightning Returns' storylines!)

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 3:51 pm
by Jae
Larissa, I really love what you have up so far. My favorite page as of now is "In Defense of Final Fantasy XIII: Linearity and Final Fantasy," because I also feel that XIII gets a lot of undeserved criticism on things like linearity. I believe it was an artistic choice to make XIII that way, because, like you said, Pulse is the open world that's supposed to provide a powerful contrast to the controlled world of Cocoon. A good deal of XIII is very deliberate, the linearity especially so.

What I appreciate is how personal the content that's up so far feels, because I think it's easy to get overly factual in a shrine dedicated to a series. You present the facts objectively, but you also inject your opinions and thoughtful arguments. What you say in your depth section makes sense and makes your budding shrine stand out among other informational sites to XIII out there.

I see so much thought being put into these articles. I can't wait to read what else you bring!

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:22 am
by Larissa
Oh wow, I was not expecting such a warm response, especially since this site's been open for two years already. Thank you all! You've definitely inspired me to get working on it :heart:

@Robin: takes stress ball, sob. Thank you :heart:

@Laura: I hope you'll find it interesting! FF13 is a lot like FFX, in both themes and gameplay.

@Megan: Thank you :heart:

@Chibi: re: understanding 13-2 and LR: I can't help you there, man. Nobody can explain those games. :ack: ...I'm kidding, but only just. I have a lot to say about those storylines, lmao. :swt2: Guess what's going in the depth section.

Thanks Chibi :content:

@Jae: :heart: :star: :heart: :star: Thank you!! I'm so glad you liked the linearity article; it's something I feel strongly about since FF13 gets blasted for it a lot, sometimes undeservedly so. (There are some criticisms it deserves, for sure, but not so much that one.)

I also really appreciate that you think the content has a personal touch. I actually feel that I could have gone a lot further with it; I learned through making my FF12 site that there's nothing I can't toss an opinion into, haha. I'm hoping to revise some of the pages I have up to make them read better.

I hope it lives up to your expectations!! Thank you :music: :music2:

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:17 am
by Rems
Going from what I've seen for what you have planned for your essays in depth already, everything is A++ and I'm so ready to dive into them all, lol. (Basically they're great. Cheers you on over here, too!!)

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:37 am
by Larissa
Thank you Rems :heart: I am going to toss a bunch of things at you, fair warning.

Got my first page done! An introduction for 13-2. I managed to hold back my snark. I love 13-2 but it's so ridiculous. So very ridiculous.

I also got started on a bunch of the depth articles yesterday! I don't have the energy to replay 13 right now, so I'm watching all the cutscenes. I'm barely a half hour in and I have a pile of stuff written already, haha. I HAVE TOO MUCH TO SAY...

Re: Defiers of Fate: FFXIII series

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:51 am
by Laura
Ooh! I really like how you have a "how do I play" section with links! :D Very handy~