Joker's Wild: Liar Game

From August to the end of October 2016, revamp your existing shrines to bring them up to your current standards! Add new content, refine existing content and sweep your shrines for any errors.
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Re: Joker's Wild: Liar Game

Post by Elysa »

Already told you how much I love the new layout, but congrats again on revamping this site, I know you've wanted to do so for a while! :D Also I really like that aside from introductory content like the basic plot of the series and characters, you also included themes and symbols, as I think that gives visitors a better idea of what the series is about. :>
Megan A
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Re: Joker's Wild: Liar Game

Post by Megan A »

ALRIGHT SO YOU ALREADY KNOW THIS, BUT I really love this revamp, and the layout is beautiful. There's such an extensive amount of detail in everything that pulls the whole design together. AHHH I DIDN'T NOTICE THE "TOP/NAVI" LINKS WERE LITTLE SPADES. :'( SO CUTE I really love "The Players," especially with those image borders. EVERYTHING IS GREAT THOUGH. I really enjoyed reading it, especially the THEMES AND SYMBOLS SECTION ahhhh.

Congratulations on this revamp. It really turned out great!
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Re: Joker's Wild: Liar Game

Post by Lethe »

Thank you both! :D :D I'm really glad to have revamped this so I can finally have a one page shrine I'm satisfied with in its entirety haha! <3

:heart: :heart: :heart:
Both despair and ecstasy are part of the elements that compose a person.
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Re: Joker's Wild: Liar Game

Post by Andrea »


Ugh, I love the different colors you used here as well as your reasons for using them. All the symbolism! Your typography is clean and wonderful as always, and you always manage to make it look beautiful without sacrificing readability—such powers! such talent! I also love how you divided up the different sections using the patterns! PATTERNS. GRUNGE PATTERNS.

Every part of the layout stays consistent with the theme you were going for down to the character images with the different playing cards! SO CREATIVE.

The content is so detailed as always, and everything is easy to read and follow! You even went into the different adaptations, which is always cool to read about.

I enjoyed your personal touches the most, such as the different quotes for each character as well as your thoughts on the series as a whole! I love reading what you wrote about Nao; I adore characters like her, and find myself intrigued to read the series myself! I also like how you didn't hesitate to criticize the art a bit, LOL. I think it'd be cool to see a few example images of the "facial expressions" you're referring to! (HONESTLY, I JUST WANT MORE MINI GALLERIES FROM YOU, AHAHAHAHA...)

My favorite section to read, though, was "Themes and Symbols." You have a way of really highlighting the important bits of series and characters, and your abilities continue to shine here! I love the quote you used here by Akiyama; "Humans are the kind of beings that can’t put their pain into words, after all." WOW, kill me.

Your shrine names are always so perfect and deep, dude—how?! I loved "Prisoner's Dilemma," but after reading your reasons for choosing "Joker's Wild," I'm sold!

AWESOME WORK AS ALWAYS, LETHE. I'M JUST SORRY I WAS TOO MUCH OF A SLOTH TO COMMENT ON IT SOONER!!! Please forgive me and have my offering of TL;DR. :heart: :heart: :heart:
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Re: Joker's Wild: Liar Game

Post by Chibi »

This is a really well done revamp, Lethe! :D I love the new layout, it fits the one-page format really well and it's still really neat and creative! Unfortunately I can't read the content yet, but I will once I have checked out this manga! Either way, great job! :star:
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Re: Joker's Wild: Liar Game

Post by Lethe »

I'm so sorry I'm so late with the reply omg... STUFF...

@Andrea: Thank you so much for the lenghty comment, as always!! ;_; <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Any praise from you makes me all asdjkalsdjlasdj. Your offering has been accepted, but don't be a sloth regarding your own stuff, DON'T WITHHOLD THE GLORY. <O><O>

Nao is such a tremendous character, all the more so due to the story and genre she's in, yet she's so easily misunderstood and underappreciated by people who read the series, so I just had to yell my love for her all across the shrine. ;_; I do think everyone would benefit from meeting Nao, but Liar Game might not be to everyone's taste (wordiness, drawings).

You know, it's been bothering me a bit that this shrine barely has any images, because as much as I wanted to avoid images due to the art not appealing to some people, there are plenty of panels that I do like. Your enthusiasm for recent mini-galleries really make me want to include more of them, and your suggestion is excellent too! Thank you so much, I'll write that down and see when I can get to it. :D

If my shrine names seem "perfect and deep", 50% of it is because I take the time to write up convincing stuff about them............................ am I even legit is this how things are created And yet I don't like my own names as much as I love other people's. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

@Chibi: Hehe, thank you, Chibi!! Hope you enjoy the manga whenever you get to check it out. :D
Both despair and ecstasy are part of the elements that compose a person.