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Top 3!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:11 am
by Destinie
How to:

• List your Top 3 sites of yours that you own.

• People reply to your comment with the top 3 of YOUR sites that they like and why.

(If you have less than 3, 1 or 2 is fine!)

Enjoy! :)

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:14 am
by Destinie
My Top 3: (No particular order)

The Godfather- Because I worked my butt off on it and I really think it paid off. I think it has some of my best written and well thought-out essays. I was happy to include some really fun sections (my favorite is on the Meowth Fantasies haha)!

Asunder- I feel like this site is a rambling mess about nothing. I had no idea what to write about a character that was so minor. However, I think that it came together really well.

Flight- Because I love Cooro and this site was years in progress but I was so happy with how it turned out!

Honorable mention: Paladin

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:48 am
by dubiousdisc

I AM² - It was a very dear subject and I wrote my heart out for it. It helped that I had been mulling over it for the last ten years.

Anger - Actually tied with Ai for first. This was a site that I would have never expected to pull off how I think I did. I hadn't even realized that I liked the character that much, to start with, and I had no idea how to tackle her. The result was a complete surprise.

Not sure about third. Maybe Spark Needle just for how much of my baby it used to be and how much content it has, but right now I kinda want to hide it forever, haha. Maybe it's Cyberpunk. I feel kinda like Destinie about Asunder in which it's plenty of ramblings for a character so minor, but I had the greatest fun writing it.


Destinie: I agree on the first place for Giovanni. :D It's your masterpiece! Then for second I would say Cooro because it has so much content and it's so varied. Third, I actually have a soft spot for Rock Steady regardless of its size. I think you did really well regardless of the character being really minor.

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:40 pm
by Saya
Ok my first favorite it's Butterfly, it's my first shrine I did, it actually the one that took me at making shrines. I managed to find much more information that I thought, and tried to make it funny and readable, and I think I actually succeeded to make a good tribute to yuuko.

The second one is definitely La Fille Brave, aside being the link to my childhood, is also all work that made me decide my thesis, and there are huge parts there that link to my defending thesis and finishing university.

The third one is Nel Mirino (which will probably become beaten when I finish [url=]Inter Somnia), it's another character that I really love and I still think that I can make better that shrine, but I should be re-reading the series, to actually do something so the shrine keeps it's 3rd position.


dubiousdisc: I find one of the best there your Spark Needle, I loved reading it and it gives so much information, and it has lot of content, so I think that one is really good. I Am2 is well written and I really loved reading, and it shows how much you have been mulling over it. And I think you did an awesome job with Cyberpunk =), it was a really good read.

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:52 pm
by Destinie
dubiousdisc wrote:Mine:

I AM² - It was a very dear subject and I wrote my heart out for it. It helped that I had been mulling over it for the last ten years.

Anger - Actually tied with Ai for first. This was a site that I would have never expected to pull off how I think I did. I hadn't even realized that I liked the character that much, to start with, and I had no idea how to tackle her. The result was a complete surprise.

Not sure about third. Maybe Spark Needle just for how much of my baby it used to be and how much content it has, but right now I kinda want to hide it forever, haha. Maybe it's Cyberpunk. I feel kinda like Destinie about Asunder in which it's plenty of ramblings for a character so minor, but I had the greatest fun writing it.


Destinie: I agree on the first place for Giovanni. :D It's your masterpiece! Then for second I would say Cooro because it has so much content and it's so varied. Third, I actually have a soft spot for Rock Steady regardless of its size. I think you did really well regardless of the character being really minor.
Thank you! ^_^ For shrines, I guess size doesn't matter! ;)

For you:

1) I AM2- holy cow this site was actually very moving. It really covers Ai since her role is so brief but provides a powerful impact. I loved it and it inspired me to go and find the clip to watch it.

2) Anger- I loved learning about this game (totally seems like one I'd like to play) and I really liked your approach and presentation. I think it's a wonderful shrine.

3) Dark Claws- I've always been attracted to this one of yours. :D I just like how you've covered this Pokemon and made an entertaining site!

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:54 pm
by Destinie
@Saya For yours I like:

1) Butterfly- Really got me interested in xxxHolic and I love what you've covered how you talk about the symbol of the butterfly and the mythology. I think it's great!

2) La Fille Brave - Very well done and well written and for a series I have never heard of! I love reading through it and I learned a lot!

3) Eternal Flame- Well done Sailor Moon shrine. I think you cover all the basics and make it easy to understand. In my mind, Sailor Moon is really complicated but I guess she isn't really(?). There's so many story arcs and everything but your shrine helps me understand the basics. :D

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:17 pm
by Mikari
Mine... I have four... the order changes every day...

Surreptitious It's the one with the most detail.

Way Cool I really like the character and game.

iHime Fun character and anime.


The Godfather It reawakened my love for Pokemon!

Modest Mouser so cute!

Space Ace Very interesting and informative :)

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:34 am
by Sarah
My Top 3:

1. Intensity: I'm proud of this site. I'm glad I was able to do something for a TV character, and a badass one at that. Plus, I'm happy with the amount of content (though I know there can be more, and I'm working on it) and the setup of the navigation.
2. Ramen & Miniskirts: This site was almost easy to make because Chizu is such a funny and endearing character. I remember having fun working on it, and I even enjoy reading through it now. (I hope that doesn't sound braggy.)
3. Photosynthesis: This is my first shrine (at OMD) and so it holds a special place in my heart for that reason. And EVE is just awesome.

I think there's a reason my top 3 sites are also my three oldest.. I guess my newer sites need some work still, but I still love them a lot!

1. The Godfather: I remember when you were working on this. It was so exciting! And it's such an awesome site, you can really feel the love for Giovanni amidst all the articles and essays. (The amount of which is also reason to love this site!)
2. Flight: It's really a fantastic manga character dedication. I love all the aspects you cover of not just Cooro himself, but +Anima as well.
3. Soothsay: I love this one because even for someone with no familiarity with the subject (like me), it's really enjoyable and fun to read. Plus I like the Princess Leia comparison. :p

I'll catch the rest of you later!

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:24 pm
by Mikari

Ramen & Miniskirts never actually checked out the series, but the site is so well made. ^^

Intensity only ever caught a few episodes, but I still enjoy the site XD

Photosynthesis I wasn't into the natury plot of the movie, but thought the robots were adorable especially Eve with her high tech coolness, too bad she's such a nature bot, but she still looks cool and that's enough to enjoy this site.

Re: Top 3!!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:13 pm
by Todd
My 3:

1. Somewhere Only We Know - I tried to make my Sabin site as in-depth and interesting as I could while shining light on a character many tend to overlook in the game. I think it's my best site.

2. Ripples - My first and (currently) only animanga site. I worked really hard on this, and learned a lot while making this tribute.

3. Breathe Drew - Although it still has a lot of room to grow, I like how this site came together in the end. I need to rework/rethink the Films page cause the reviews aren't working out, and I'd like to add at least one more character tribute, but I really love the tribute to Danielle and the personal sections on Drew Barrymore's life and career.

Sarah: Intensity for reasons I've written all over the place. Your best site, and one of my favorite shrines online period. All Hail is a lot of fun and is unique as far as celebrity fansites go. My third would be Ramen & Miniskirts, but I'm not familiar with the series.

Destinie: The Godfather is so obviously a labor of love and just so well-presented. Cooro is interesting because I'm not used to seeing animanga from you, but it's in-depth and well-written, and its subject reminds me of Animorphs! I actually really like your Star Fox sites as well...

The rest of you guys later!