Currently watching....?

Everything around Japanese animation and comics.
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Mikari »

I know what you mean but what do you call the accent? Latin? You know when you pronunce sillables more sharply, where as in english they are more fluid?

Re: Currently watching....?

Post by anon »

Mikari wrote:I know what you mean but what do you call the accent? Latin? You know when you pronunce sillables more sharply, where as in english they are more fluid?
It varies because that description fits a lot of languages in the world. Trilling R's isn't restricted to just Spanish. Just insisting that alveolar trills = Spanish is ignoring a lot of other languages that do use the phoneme as well. Saying that someone has a Hispanic accent is just as vague as someone saying that one person has an American accent. American? What region? Natives of New York, Georgia, and California all have different regionalisms.

I've realized I'm getting off topic, and now we shall get back.
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Shiori »

Eden wrote:You're looking too much on the outside of her character. She might be physically indestructible but her persona is much more expansive than just being an immortal. There's a lot more to her than that and she doesn't take away from the show at all. Depending on the immortal, they're more often prisoners of life and have no way of dying and becoming truly free, unless they become immortal on their own terms. But I feel C.C. can be destroyed in different ways and I'm not talking about her living forever. But that's going off topic so.. I'll just leave it at that.
How is Mikari looking "too much on the outside of her character" for disliking an aspect of C.C.'s characterisation that influences her portrayal and personality so heavily? I don't mind C.C. but I feel Mikari's stance is perfectly reasonable.

On topic, I've watched the first episode of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and Shinsekai Yori. I definitely prefer the latter to the former. I doubt I'll watch Tonari past that first episode (it's just not my thing).
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Mikari »

@Jo: People get the message that's all that really matters to me, even if it only takes into consideration when a small group is familiar with as they wouldn't really get the other references anyway. XD and yeah we are getting off topic. Admittedly I've never cared much about "correctness" beyond getting the message across to the receiver, if only them, as that is the point anyway.

Getting back into topic...

About CC: I have nothing against her character as I can't pass judgment on a character I don't know. However, the concept of an immortal (tragic or not) is just not my thing. It set up certainly plot elements that may cause it to "rely" on that aspect and takes away from the danger of death or permanent injury. (this is based only on a first impression) I just like the characters risking their lives and sanity I guess. That makes it more exciting than risking only their sanity. (in a worse case scenario anyway)

A lot about if an anime or movie or game or any media thing catches my attention goes to design and basic concepts, the things that are seen right away more so than noticed over time. There's just so much available that it's easy to move on to the next thing which may be a better fit in terms of taste and thus a more entertaining option. But hey, that's the benefit of having a lot of variety available, there's something for everyone.

The MAL summary of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun reminds me a bit of Kare Kano, but also seems different. I generally wait for series to be finished and dubbed though. Shinsekai yori... doesn't seem like my thing. I'm into sci-fi but not so much into the psychic theme. The art looks nice though.

Re: Currently watching....?

Post by anon »

Mikari wrote:@Jo: People get the message that's all that really matters to me, even if it only takes into consideration when a small group is familiar with as they wouldn't really get the other references anyway. XD and yeah we are getting off topic. Admittedly I've never cared much about "correctness" beyond getting the message across to the receiver, if only them, as that is the point anyway.
I... really have no idea what you just said and what really has to do with my reply.

I saw a bit of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and yeah, it reminded me of why I dropped the manga.
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Mikari »

lol never mind then, it's not important anyway.

I watched all of the Kare Kano anime (or what I could find, I think it was all of them). The last few episodes seemed kind of rushed and inconclusive though I was entertained in the beginning.
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Shiori »

Joe wrote:I saw a bit of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and yeah, it reminded me of why I dropped the manga.
Yeah I'm afraid it's not a keeper, that series.

I've also watched the first BTOOOM! episode and lololol just as shithouse as the manga. Umm first K episode looked as lovely as the trailers implied, but I doubt it's going to go anywhere plot-wise in 13 episodes. What else? Zetsuen no Tempest 1 was passable, but nothing extraordinary.

And the season continues!
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Mikari »

K was another series I was curious about. I heard there's a Shizuo look alike.
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Juhi »

Currently watching Little Busters! I know a lot of folks have their doubts about JC Staff, but the first episode left a good impression on me. They have been loyal to the source material so far (might change, we'll see). Even the game BGM is being used! :D
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Re: Currently watching....?

Post by Kibumie »

I am currently watching Bakuman 3 :heart: , Gintama, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Magi, Sukitte ii na yo, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, and Zetsuen no Tempest. :blush: :music: :music2:

and I am still in the process of finishing Arcana Famiglia. haha. :yay:
aminuet .。. king